上次推介給你的 proverbs,有嘗試去運用嗎?不妨再學以下 10 句,加強你對 proverbs 的認識!

1. “It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back” – 凡事皆有極限,就如過多的稻草也會有弄傷駱駝的一天。例:“I hate my roommate! He has parties every night and now he broke my TV! – that’s the last straw!”

2. “Birds of a feather flock together”(物而類聚,人以群分)
例:“Birds of a feather flock together – they share the same interest and lifestyle, no wonder they can get along so well.”

3. 弄一碗湯 (broth) 又怎需要太多位廚師 (cook) 呢?人多只會手腳亂,“too many cooks spoil the broth!”

4. “When it rains, it pours”(一發不可收拾)
例:“The problems are piling on top of each other. Well, when it rains, it pours.”

5. “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” – 別要在雞蛋還未孵前,數你有多少隻小雞!此句是要叫人別高興得太早,過分樂觀!

6. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”(各有所好)
例:“One man’s meat is another man’s poison – she is simply not my cup of tea.”

7. “A monkey in silk is a monkey no less” – 一個人的底蘊與內涵是不會因他的衣著而改變的,就如無論猴子穿上了什麼,它仍是那隻猴子。

8. “A bad workman blames his tools” – 技藝未夠的人,永遠也只會埋怨工具不夠好(劣工尤器)例:“A bad workman always blames his tools – stop making excuses for the mistakes now!”

9. “No smoke without fire”(空穴來風,未必無因)
例:No smoke without fire – there has to be a reason why people believe in the news.”

10. “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” – 如要吃過布甸才知道它是否好吃,很多事情也一樣,沒有親自試過,是不能定奪的。