喺 IELTS 會話測試嘅第 2 部分,你首先需要就某話題作 1 至 2 分鐘嘅回應。考官之後亦會就同一話題問 1 至 2 條問題。

而第 3 部分歷時約 4-5 分鐘,你將會同考官作出雙向討論。所討論嘅內容將與第 2 部分所談及嘅主題有關。

無論係第 2 定第 3 部分,以下句式都幫到你加分:


1. Personally, I think 我個人認為

Personally, I think that taxes should be lowered.


2. It seems to me that 在我看來,⋯好像

It seems to me that traditional books are being replaced with electronic versions nowadays.



3. The way I see it… 依我看

The way I see it is, there’s nothing better than a relaxing day at the beach.


4. Unjustifiable 不合理的

To me, child labour is unjustifiable in any circumstances.


5. In the foreseeable future 在可預見的將來

On the pessimistic side, world energy will continue to be dominated by fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.