成日寫數據上升嘅時候都只係識用 Increase?唔想每次寫上升趨勢都只喺識用單一嘅字?想要拎星星,就連細微用字都要好好拿捏,先可以令改卷員眼前一亮,喺眾多考生之中突圍而出啊!事不宜遲,一齊嚟學吓 Increase 嘅同義詞啦!


Ascend 上升

The spending on Green Construction Methods by dragon peak has ascended to over 5 billion of HKD in 2015.
Dragon Peak 所需的綠化建設的費用,上升至 2015 年的 50 億港元。


Grow 增多

From the bar chart, the advertising revenue of Flatmates has been in a growing trend from January to March.
根據棒形圖,Flatmates 的廣告收益由一月至三月一直是持續增長的趨勢。


Rise 上升

Based on the graph, the viewing figure of this programme had a tremendous rise from 1st January to 25th March.


Climb 上升

Compared to other programmes in the same time slot, the advertising revenue of Flatmates significant climb from about HKD 400,000 to HKD 800,000 within three months.
對比其他同時段的節目,Flatmates 的廣告收益在三個月內由港幣 400,000 顯著地上升至 港幣 800,000。


Jump 暴漲 / 激增

The view figure of the programme jumped from below 1.5 million to nearly 2.5 million.


以後要講上升/增長嘅時候,即使唔喺考 Paper 3 都可以有更多用字,任君選擇!