相信大家都成日用 blue 嚟形容憂鬱嘅人,但原來 blue idioms 都唔簡單!你知唔知「Between the devil and the deep blue sea」喺咩意思?「Blue-sky thinking」唔通喺藍天嘅諗法?「Come out of a clear blue sky」又點用呢?想知道嘅話,就一齊睇吓呢篇文章啦!


Go blue 感到很冷

Remember to put on more clothes before going out, and you might go blue if you don’t.


Between the devil and the deep blue sea 左右為難

I know you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea while you are choosing to follow your partner or family.


Blue-sky thinking 奇思妙想

It always requires blue-sky thinking to lead a new trend in this technological era.


Have a blue fit 勃然大怒

You have to promise me you won’t have a blue fit after hearing this.


Come out of a clear blue sky 難以預料地發生

She was leaving with no signs that it all just came out of a clear blue sky.


藍色除咗得人鍾意,原來用法都咁多元化,你又最鍾意邊個 idioms 呢?