英文寫作卷做唔同題目嘅時候,都可能需要講到某個建議好有用,或者某個政策/計劃都好有用,應該加以實施等等,「好有用」嘅講法除咗 useful,你又識唔識其他同義字呢?想寫作卷嘅用詞更加奪目?咁就要學吓以下必用嘅代替字啦!


Advantageous 有利的

Taking part in a marathon is especially advantageous to young people.


Rewarding 有意義的

You should tell your parents how rewarding it is to be a veterinarian to you more than other professionals.


Beneficial 有用的

The summer poetry workshop will be beneficial to my writing skills and thus enhance my ability in portraying both reality and imaginary things.


Effective 有效的

It seems that people who are obsessed with plastic surgery tend to believe it as an effective way to gain confidence.


Practical 實用的

It is apparent that drama is one of the most practical ways to learn English, offering inspirations to students.


以上嘅同義詞都十分好用!記得多多 rephrase,盡量唔好重覆用字啊!