DSE Paper 4 有唔少建議題型,時不時要你提議一啲計劃或者改善方法,所以成日會用到suggest 呢個字,但你又知唔知道用suggest嘅時候,其實有好多要注意嘅地方?依家就嚟睇睇點用先係最正確,考英文口試嘅時候就冇有怕啦!


Suggest + sth 提議做某件事

Suggest 接名詞 (noun):

I suggest family gathering. It is a better way to show our respect to parents.


Suggest 接動名詞 (V-ing):

I suggest organizing Cantonese tutorial class for those who cannot speak Cantonese to learn this language. Therefore, they will feel more connected to the society when they can communicate with people there.


Suggest + to + 對象 向某人提議某事

錯誤示範:I suggest the school that it should provide problem-solving games for students so that they can develop their social and emotional skills while solving the puzzle together.


正確示範I suggest to the school that it should provide problem-solving games for students so that they can develop their social and emotional skills while solving the puzzle together.



Suggest + 問題句(wh-) 請求提議

As we have talked about the reasons why young people seldom use the library, could you suggest what new activities can be organized to attract them ?


Paper4 嘅建議題一定要記住呢三種 suggest 嘅用法,咁就唔洗再怕用錯啦!講得通順又啱文法,5**仲唔喺你嘅囊中之物?!