大自然除咗有鬼斧神工嘅美景,原來喺英文入邊重有好多有趣嘅 idioms 喺關於 nature 呢!to hold out an olive branch 唔通喺指拎出橄欖枝?Out of the woods又點止行出森林咁普通!?想話覺得外國月亮特別圓,人哋嘅嘢特別好,又應該點講呢?一齊嚟睇睇啦!


To hold out an olive branch 主動表達和解的願望 : to do or say something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement with someone

She held out an olive branch to the argument by establishing a platform for citizens to voice out their opinions.


To let the grass grow under your feet 無所事事,浪費機會/時間 :to delay in taking an action/opportunity

How can you let the grass grow under your feet! The clock is ticking, and you have not much time left for preparation.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence 別人擁有的東西總比自己的好 : other people’s situations always seem superior to one’s own

The sense of comparison is poisonous as believing the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence will induce you to become dissatisfied with the treasures in your current life.


Out of the woods 脫離困境 : to no longer be in danger or difficulty

We’re finally out of the woods! The financial situation of the company is brought back to life by this campaign.


To lead someone up the garden path 矇騙某人 : to deceive someone

She is trying to lead you up the garden path. You’d better leave her right now!


原來花草樹木都有咁多別具一格嘅 idioms,don’t let the grass grow under your feet,記得要好好學起來!