出外旅遊可能會聽到車廂或商場廣播,到底喺講緊做得定唔做得?禁止食嘢,唔俾用手機之類嘅英文應該點講?想阻止人哋做違規嘅嘢,又可以點同佢講?唔洗驚驚嘅,其實只要善用以下嘅句式,就可以輕鬆 KO!


It is forbidden to … ……是禁止的。

It is forbidden to enter this area since an accident happened earlier.

You are not allowed to … 你不被允許去……

You are not allowed to use mobile phone or other electronic appliances inside the train.

You are not permitted to … 你不獲准許去……

You are not permitted to drive unless you are over 18-year- old and have a license.
在你未過 18 歲及持有駕照前,駕駛車輛也是不獲准許的。

It is prohibited to … ……是禁止的。

It is prohibited to keep a pet in this apartment.

You must not … 你絕不可以……

You must not absent from the class unless you send an email to notify the lecturer before the lesson begins.


以後除咗叫人「don’t do that 」之外,都可以試下用以上嘅方式啊!