錢有人話喺萬惡根源,其實佢都有好嘅一面,因為錢都喺知識嘅來源啊!知唔知搖錢樹喺英文喺點講?「一不做,二不休」嘅英文又點表達?「to foot the bill」唔通喺踢走啲嘢?無一個有「money」,但關「錢」事嘅 idioms,你一定要識!


A quick buck 快錢 : money which was easy to make

They want to make a quick buck by buying the concert tickets and then sell them out at a much higher price.


Cash cow 搖錢樹 : a product or service that makes money over a long period of time

The unique education method has always been the cash cow of our company.


Daylight robbery 漫天要價 : a situation in which you have to pay far too much money for something

This piece of cake costs $100? How could one believe it’s not daylight robbery?


In for a penny, in for a pound 一不做,二不休:

since you have started something or are involved in it, you should complete the work although it has become more difficult or complicated than you had expected

There are always risks in investment. In for a penny, in for a pound. I won’t give up at this moment.


To foot the bill 埋單 : to pay for everyone

I just got my salary today. Just let me foot the bill today!


關於錢嘅 idioms 都好變化多端,唔學過真喺未必會知喺點解呢!?