唔想每次作文都只喺寫 I think that!?想學更多實用又唔會好難記嘅句式?呢篇文章就啱曬想學作文嘅你啦!今次繼續教你更多有助奪星嘅句式!


If the above suggestions can really be put into practice, … 如果能真正做到以上的建議,⋯⋯

If the above suggestions can really be put into practice, the safety of young children can be ensured and both the school and parents will be satisfied with those proper guidelines.


We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that … 如此一來,我們可以概括為⋯⋯

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that leaving the office very late can cause an unhealthy lifestyle.


To conclude, this is the major reason why …總而言之,⋯⋯的主要原因是⋯⋯

To conclude, this is the major reason why you should join the marathon in order to maximize your potential.


Only with … , can we … 只有透過⋯⋯,我們才能⋯⋯

Only with the presence of poems, can we reveal the true beauty of the world.


To cope with this situation, it is obvious that we should … 去應對這個情況,顯然我們是需要⋯⋯

To cope with this situation, it is obvious that we should attract more people to watch stage plays by making the plays more accessible, such as posting the clips online.


上下篇各有 5 句超實用嘅句式,抄低同多溫習就可以面對唔同題型都得心應手啦!