

留口訊 Leaving a message

Could you please take a message ? Please tell him / her that …
你可以幫忙記下需要轉述的口訊?請告訴他 / 她……


I’d like to leave a message for him / her. Please notify him / her about …
我想留一個口訊給他 / 她,請通知他 / 她……


記下需要轉述的口訊 Taking a message

I’m afraid she / he is not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
恐怕現在她 / 他未有空,你想要留言給她 / 他嗎?


I’m sorry, she / he is not here today. Can I take a message?
不好意思,她 / 他今天不在,需要我替你留個口訊嗎?



請對方重覆資訊 Asking for repetition of information

Could you spell that for me, please?


Let me see if I got that right. Is it _________ (the information you wrote down)?


結束電話 Ending the call

Thank you so much for your help.


Thanks for calling.

