大家都知IELTS writing part 1要係第一段restate一次題目,但係vocabulary bank唔夠料,寫黎寫去都同條題目差唔多。咁樣你就需要留意返paraphrasing嘅技巧啦!掌握呢d方法,絕對會幫你高效完成part 1!


Noun phrases轉換名詞


  • Graph = chart/diagram/figure/table/pie chart/line graph…… 圖像
  • Data = information/statistics 數據
  • Trends = changes/differences 趨勢/變化
  • Shows = illustrates/compares/forecasts/presents/provides 顯示
  • The total number = the overall amount 總數量
  • Features = functions/characteristic 特點
  • The process of paper recycling = how paper is recycled
  • Exponential growth = grew exponentially


點樣轉noun phrases:

e.g. sales of different cars. 不同車的銷售量

  1. purchases of private vehicles
  2. the number of various types of cars sold
  3. car sales/purchases


Common sentence structures 常用句型


The graph illustrates the trends in ____between_____and_____.

= The figure presents the information about the changes in__________.


The diagram reveals that there are several differences between_______.

= The line chart shows how the _____ have differed_________________.


記低一兩個synonym同轉noun phrases既方法,考試時幫你慳返珍貴既幾分鐘呀!