DSE paper 4嘅小組討論要求考生就一個議題發表自己嘅意見,唔少人發現自己每次一開口就講「I think」,除咗「I think」就唸唔到點樣表達「我覺得」。我哋幫大家整理咗7個表達「我覺得」,「以我嘅經驗黎講」,「以我來看來」等等相同意思嘅句型,下次唔好淨係講「I think」啦!

1. In my view…

In my view, first of all, the Olympic Game represents the spirit of sports.


2. As far as I’m concerned,

As far as I’m concerned, students should be allowed to wear their own clothes.


3. Speaking for myself…

Speaking for myself, one of the reasons I feel this so strongly is the fact that I have suffered from anxiety.


4. In my experience…

In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.


5. I tend to think that…

I tend to think that’s not a good solution.


6. I am sure/certain that…

I am sure that you will be able to gain at least an hour of free time if you change your routines.


7. As I see it…

As I see it, fun makes great things happen.
