今期我哋將繼續同大家分享更多表達「我覺得」嘅句型!呢d句型不單對於寫essay好有用,亦都可以係group discussion嘅時候用到,幫你準確、自然地表達出你嘅argument。


1. I’d say that…


I’d say that the time away from family is especially hard on relationships.



2. I’d like to point out that…


I’d like to point out that English is a very easy language to learn.



3. What I mean is…


What I mean is that the economy is global, while politics is more local.



4. It seems to me…


It seems to me that money is a strong motivation for most people.



5. From my point of view…


From my point of view, “Earth Hour” is a message of hope and action.



6. If I am not mistaken…


If I am not mistaken, he didn’t specify what makes him oppose to this suggestion.



7. I am of mixed opinions about/on…


I am of mixed opinions about the idea of replacing all interpreters with AI.
