唔知你有冇試過當你有同事病咗/身體唔太舒服,你想慰問下對方,關心下佢嘅身體狀況時,但諗嚟諗去除咗Get well soon就唔知可以點講?咁就睇落去啦!


1. Wishing you a speedy recovery


I miss those days we had lunch together before your absence from work. Wishing you a speedy recovery!



2. Hope it won’t be long before you’re on your feet again


He has taken the sick leave for one week. Hope it won’t be long before he is on his feet again.



3. I pray you return to full health very soon


You look fatigued after the surgery. I pray you return to full health very soon!



4. I’m sorry you feel so bad


I’m sorry you feel so bad. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.



5. Rest up


You have been working nonstop for 30 hours and your face looks pale. Take a nap to rest up!
