大家都知名詞字尾加個 S 就會變成眾數,但唔知你哋又知唔知有陣時加 S 係會將個英文字變咗另一個意思呢?今日就同大家介紹下有咩例子啦!


1. Work 工作 vs Works 作品


Example: (Work) He has done all his work so he does not need to work overtime today.

(Works) Among all the works of art of Picasso, my favorite one is Guernica.


例句:(Work) 他已經完成今天所有的工作,因此不用加班。

(Works) 在畢卡索眾多作品之中,我最喜歡的是格爾尼卡。


2. Mean 意思 vs Means 方法


Example: (Mean) The word ‘staycation‘ means spending a holiday in home country rather than traveling to other places.

(Means) Drink enough water is one of the means to keep yourself healthy.


例句:(Mean) Staycation一詞的意思是在不出國度假。

(Means) 喝足夠的水是維持身體健康的方法之一。


另外,’by all means’係指用盡任何方法,’by no means’則係指絕對唔會做,’means’呢個字有咁多個用法,大家可以mark低定先啦!


3. Custom 風俗習慣 vs Customs 海關


Example: (Custom) In some countries like France, kissing is a custom of greeting others.

(Customs) The customs have been on the go since this morning as there are many travelers.


例句:(Custom) 在一些國家,例如法國,人們會透過親吻他人這個風俗習慣來表示問候。

(Customs) 眾多旅客的緣故,令海關從早上開始就要不停地工作。


4. Green 綠色的 vs Greens 蔬菜


Example: (Green) She looks good with a green jacket.

(Greens) You should eat greens every day to boost the daily nutrition.


例句:(Green) 這件綠色外套很適合她。

(Greens) 你需要每天透過攝取蔬菜來增加營養。


5. Pain 痛楚 vs Pains 竭力


Example: (Pain) She is feeling slight pain after the tooth extraction.

(Pains) The student is at pains to stress the cultural differences during his exchange.


例句:(Pain) 她拔牙後感到輕微痛楚。

(Pains) 這名學生竭力地適應作為交換生的文化差異。