我哋曾經講過同一個字,用喺動詞同名詞上意思可以差天共地。其實同一個字就算都係作形容詞,亦可以有唔同意思,例如你知唔知 humble 除咗解「謙虛的」,仲可以形容一個地方?學識就唔駛驚考試睇reading時以為講緊咩「謙虛的地方」啦!


1. Humble

a) 謙虛的(形容人時)

Although he became CEO at 20 years old, he was humble about his success.

雖然他在 20 歲就成為了行政總裁,但他對自己的成功非常謙虛。


b) 不起眼的(形容地方時)

The humble restaurant is located at a non-touristy place. However, there are a lot of tourists queuing outside.



2. Outstanding

a) 優秀的(形容人時)

She is an outstanding writer who has published over 100 books.



b) 未解決的(形容問題時)

Before getting on to the next topic, there are a couple of problems outstanding. We should first deal with them.



3. Ample

a) 肥大的(形容人時)

Your ample belly makes you hard to walk. I believe you need to begin a diet.



b) 充足的(形容機會、證據時)

There is ample evidence showing that this woman is the criminal.



4. Generous

a) 慷慨的(形容人時)

He is a frequent donor who is generous with his money.



b) 大量的(形容事物時)

It was out of my expectation that I had a generous pay increase this year.



5. Dynamic

a) 充滿活力的(形容人時)

Becoming a dynamic leader can help steer a team forward.



b) 不斷變化的(形容局勢、過程時)

No one can predict the future trend. The situation now is too dynamic.
