講起 Be 呢個英文字,大家除咗知道佢係解作 is/ am/ are 之外,仲知唔知加咗唔同 prepositions 喺後面有咩解釋呢?


1. Be after 尋找、追捕


She is after a bag to match the dress she bought last Sunday.



2. Be along 到達


The next bus is expected to be along in 3 minutes.

預計下一班車將在 3 分鐘內到達。


3. Be down 沮喪的、減少


She has been down since her best friend emigrated to the United States.



4. Be down on 批評


He is always down on his colleagues. Therefore, no one likes him.



5. Be down with 生病


I took a sick leave yesterday because I had the flu.



6. Be in for 即將遭遇不愉快的事


The Hong Kong Observatory forecasts that we will be in for a strong typhoon in two hours’ time.



7. Be on to 意識到


There is a serious look on her face. I think she is on to something wrong.
