

1. Blowout sale 大促銷


Shall we go to the newly opened boutique tomorrow? It is having a blowout sale this week, and a 50 percent discount on every items!



2. Clearance sale 清倉大特賣


The store goes out of business next Saturday. Therefore, it is offering customers a clearance sale.



3. Flash sale 限時特賣


Many airlines offer flash sales to increase travel demand in a rough season.



4. Doorbuster 限時搶購

Buster係指有巨大破壞力嘅物品,所以 Doorbuster 意味連門都破壞咗,形容搶購非常激烈。


The doorbuster of lucky bags is a custom during the Japanese New Year.



5. Buy one get one half price 第二件半價

BOGO (buy one get one free) 大家就聽得多,唔知又有冇聽過 Buy one get one half price呢?


The footwear retailer is offering a buy one get one half price. Let’s choose two pairs of running shoes!



6. Markdown 減價


We are offering a 20 percent markdown on selected items.



7. Concession 減價(尤指對長者、兒童、學生)


Students can choose to purchase concession movie tickets with their student cards.
