唔同身體部位係啱啱學英文時嘅基本生字,例如 head, shoulder, hand,但當將 hand 變成 out of hand 時,你又知唔知道個意思呢?


1. Pay lip service 光說不做


The committee members pay lip service to benefit the students, but they do not want to do anything to support.



2. Pain in the neck 使他人煩躁/討厭


He is a pain in the neck when he keeps shouting in the library.



3. Out of hand 失去控制


The concert is getting out of hand. The artist is even attacked by the crazed fans.



4. Bite one’s tongue 害怕禍從口出而不敢說話


I had to bite my tongue to avoid an argument with my brother in the public.



5. Keep one’s chin up/ Keep one’s head up 使振作


Keep your chin up! Everything is going to be alright.



6. Put one’s money where one’s mouth is 採取實質行動


The philanthropist is genuinely interested in helping underprivileged families, and he always takes action to show he put his money where his mouth is.



7. Carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders 過於操心


Don’t keep everything to yourself and carry the weight of the world on your shoulders! I’m always here to share your burden.
