之前同大家分享過唔少動物嘅 idioms,例如貓、狗、豬。除此之外,其實有好多 phrasal verb 都同動物有關,可以用嚟形容一個動作、行為表現等等,咁好記嘅片語不妨一齊學吓啦!


1. Fish for 試圖讓某人對自己說好話


Why are you acting oddly today? Are you fishing for compliments?



2. Fish out 從口袋取出


She fishes out her house key from the pocket. On the contrary, I must put my key in the wallet to avoid losing it.



3. Horse around 胡鬧、搗亂


Stop horsing around in the public area! Everybody is looking at you!



4. Beaver away 長時間努力工作


My head is swimming. I must have been beavering away at this complicated mathematics question for an hour.



5. Squirrel away 存錢


He has squirreled away most of his monthly salary since he was 20. Therefore, he has had considerable savings even though he is still very young.

他從 20 歲起就將大部分月薪存起來。因此,儘管他還年輕,就已經有很可觀的積蓄。


6. Duck out of 逃避


Under strict law, nobody can duck out of his and hers responsibility.



7. Rabbit on 喋喋不休


Whenever we talk about animated characters, he is always rabbiting on his figure collections.
