港式英文 people mountain people sea 相信大家有聽過,都知道唔可以用,咁又問吓你形容「擁擠」嘅英文,crowded 之外仲有咩同義詞呢?學識7個其他同學仔未必識嘅詞彙啦!


1. Throng with


The mini shopping mall is thronged with a large group of fans, coming to support their favorite idols.



2. Teem with


At the start of a new semester, the campus is teeming with new university students.



3. Congest with


The car park is congested with cars on Friday night as many people are going out to dine.



4. Overflow onto


During the peak hour, the train is too full that some of the office workers are overflowing onto the platform.



5. Crush


There are a lot of people waiting outside the concert venue, even the staff must struggle through the crush to get inside.



6. Swarm


A swarm of reporters followed the artist’s cars, finding a chance to have an interview with him.



7. Chock-a-block


Greece is a popular travel destination. It is chock-a-block with tourists during every summer holiday.
