相信大家預備IELTS嗰陣都可能諗過究竟要點溫speaking,甚至有人會覺得speaking冇得溫,佛系等到時抽到咩題目再慢慢諗,但其實IELTS speaking係有一啲經常出現嘅topic,例如今次同大家講嘅「工作」。背定同練習吓點用呢啲phrasal verbs,到時考到工作嘅topic就可以好流利咁講出高質量嘅英文詞彙啦!


1. Wrap sth up 結束會議/討論/匯報等


We must wrap up the meeting within 30 mins as Helen is leaving soon.



2. Bail sb/sth out 幫助有財政困難的人或機構


We provide financial support to bail out failing businesses.



3. Tick sth off 標記以表示已經完成某事


To avoid any missing parts in the report, I will write down a to-do list and tick each one off as I finish it.



4. Knock off sth下班


On every company anniversary, all the employees can knock off early.



5. To be wrapped up in sth/sb 全神貫注於…


The marketing team is wrapped up in customers’ reviews towards the new products as it is the first time the company launching a new product line.



6. Fling yourself into sth 全心投入於…


I have planned to fling myself into this company for at least another five years.
