IELTS Speaking part1 同 part3 可能會要你比較兩個人/地方/意見,例如問你住喺城市同住喺郊區有咩不同之處。提到比較題,大家可能會諗到 same as/ similar to/ different from/ as…as 呢啲英文,咁可以點樣豐富我哋嘅表達方式呢?




1. 代替 same as/ similar to


-> On a par with

Speaking of abilities and working experience, I believe he is on a par with her.



-> Have a lot in common

The two athletes have a lot in common. They both prefer offense over defense.



2. 代替 different from


-> Poles apart

Although we have been best friends for over 10 years, we are poles apart in personality.

雖然我們成為了最好的朋友超過 10 年,但我們的性格卻完全不同。




1. Strikingly different 截然不同


Living in the countryside is strikingly different from living in the city, especially for the environment.



2. Utterly different 截然不同


Everything in Bali is utterly different from what I have experienced in my home country.



3. Rather different 微妙的差異


It is rather different between their types of fashion styles.



4. Subtly different 微妙的差異


The two tests are subtly different, such as the exam format.





1. 代替 same as/ similar to: In the same league as sb/sth


I don’t have any preference between these two cars. One is in the same league as the other one.



2. 代替 different from: Be a far cry from sth


The performance was a far cry from what I had expected. I thought it would be boring, but it was rather amazing!
