

1. To contend that 主張


Air pollution is a serious environmental issue. Researchers contend that it is attributed to at least 9% of all deaths in the world.

空氣污染是一個嚴重的環境問題。研究人員主張空氣污染引致了全球 9% 的死亡率。


2. The evidence establishes that 證據表明了


The evidence establishes that drinking lots of water can help regulate body temperature.



3. Make a case for sth 為某事提供充分理由


I do not believe that black pepper cures the epidemic unless you can make a case for it.



4. It can be testified 可證明


Blueberry can improve vision. It can be testified by vast amount of scientific evidence.



5. Based on substantiated data 根據經證實的數據


Based on substantiated data, the majority of respondents prefer buying ingredients in street markets to supermarkets.



6. This is attested that 得到證實


This is attested that almonds can enhance the quality of sleep, according to experts.



7. The fact is endorsed by 事實得到認證


Dry cough and runny nose can both be a symptom of COVID-19. The fact is endorsed by the World Health Organization.

乾咳和流鼻涕都可能是 COVID-19 的症狀,這得到了世界衛生組織的認證。