上次講咗連接詞中嘅concession,我哋舉咗7個although嘅近義詞,大家仲記唔記得呢?今篇我哋會講關於actually/ in fact嘅替代詞,佢哋可以用嚟強調某事嘅正確性,一齊嚟睇下有咩講法啦!


1. As a matter of fact


As a matter of fact, I used to live in Spain for a year so I could speak some Spanish.



2. In point of fact


She said she would join our activity, but in point of fact she has no time.



3. In effect


Not so much of a genuine apology as a perfunctory action, his response is in effect irritates more citizens.



4. For all intents and purposes


For all intents and purposes, the group project is completed all by himself.



5. Literally


With the latest smartphone launched, users can literally have a faster Internet with 5G.

透過該公司推出的最新智能手機,用戶可以利用 5G 獲得更快的互聯網速度。


6. Truth be told


Truth be told, I did not take the CFA exam even though I am a Finance major student.

說實話,雖然我主修金融,但我並沒有參加過 CFA 考試。


7. Forsooth (一般帶有諷刺意味)


But forsooth, it is hard for me to believe this liar even if he says that he is telling the truth this time.
