考 IELTS 識得點樣多變地形容好重要,好似「細」嘅英文係 small,但另外仲有好多近義詞可以用嚟形容細,有可以專係用嚟形容細小嘅空間,有啲就形容緊細小嘅改變等等,一齊嚟學多啲形容詞啦!


1. Minute 極小的


Only a minute amount of salt is needed. It’s for making it taste more appealing.



2. Minuscule 極小的


Although it is a micro movie, I cannot believe it was shot in a minuscule amount of time, like 2 days.



3. Miniature 微小的


When I was small, I enjoyed playing with my dollhouse. The furniture is all in miniature size and that is so cute. I had a lot of fun playing with it.



4. Imperceptible 難以察覺的


She did not answer but with an imperceptible nod. I’m not sure whether she agrees or not.



5. Compact 小巧的


This bag looks compact but you can actually put many things inside it.



6. Cramped 狹小的


The room is already cramped up and you are putting more things in. Are you sure you will have enough space to walk inside the room?
