考 IELTS Speaking,特別係 part 1 同 part 3 嘅題目,例如問你 do you prefer to buy clothes in shops or online? 當然你可以揀其中一方面去答,但如果想令到回答內容更加豐富,好多考生會選擇講 it depends。要展示自己唔淨止識用 it depends,你可以咁樣講…


1. I’m in two minds


I’m in two minds about school uniforms. On one hand, students can focus on their studies rather than their clothes, yet it may deprive students of their freedom of self-expression.



2. I’m on the fence


I’m sitting on the fence. I believe this action has many advantages and disadvantages.



3. Contingent on


I like water sports like surf kayaking. However, I do not go often, contingent on the weather.



4. Hinge on


I believe a good living environment hinges on its safety, accessibility, and the number of stores nearby.



5. Be conditional on


In my opinion, children should participate in extracurricular activities, be conditional on the parents’ financial state to support their equipment and lessons.



6. Be predicated on


Whether you should trust the information on the Internet is predicated on the credibility of the websites, and those who have access to edit information.
