「你工作時遇過咩困難?」、「你會點樣應對困難?」係面試中好常見嘅題目,學定啲實用字眼去包裝答案,除咗 face the challenges 之外,可以試吓用以下7種表達方式啦!


1. Rise to the challenge 成功應對困難


The biggest issues I have faced at work were the regulatory changes. Still, I was able to rise to the challenge.



2. Take on the challenge 迎接困難


Although it may be a difficult job, I am willing to take on the challenge.



3. In the face of sth 不顧(困難)


Our team won the film award in the face of a low-budget production.



4. Face sth head-on 勇敢面對


I sometimes lack the confidence to speak up at important meetings, but I will face this weakness head-on.



5. Bite the bullet 勇敢面對


My strength is that I can bite the bullet whenever I am facing a big difficulty.



6. Brave 勇敢面對


I would excel at this job as I am always brave at challenges and shoulder the responsibility whenever my team needs me.



7. Confront 正視(問題)


I agree that people should not avoid issues but confront them directly, in order to grow and learn how to deal with these issues next time.
