介詞(Preposition)可以用嚟配搭動詞、名詞、形容詞,例如 insist on/ advantage over/ good at,除此之外,亦都可以放喺一句短語嘅開頭。今日我哋準備咗幾個唔會好難背嘅語句,考 IELTS 時亦都有機會可以用得著㗎!




1. At no time 絕對不會


She is the most punctual person I have ever met. At no time would she be late for work.



2. At a loss 不知所措


I was at a loss when she told me to present instead of her. I have absolutely no idea about the project.



3. At the cost of sth 以某事作為代價


I finished my assignment today at the cost of eating nothing for the whole day.





1. In no time 很快地


I have not eaten since morning, therefore, I was gulping down and finished off two bowls of noodles in no time.



2. In turn 輪流


When we were in secondary school, we had to be the student on duty in turn.



3. In the honour of 為了紀念


An opening ceremony is going to take place on the coming Saturday, in the honour of the Olympics opening.



4. In the course of 在…的過程中


In the course of cheerleading practice, I have understood the importance of teamwork.
