DSE英文出影響題時,你係唔係成日會用到 serious impact/ serious problem/ serious situation 等等字眼呢?除咗 serious 之外,其實仲有好多詞彙帶有「嚴重的」嘅意思㗎!


1. Critical 嚴重的


The firefighter is in critical condition after helping bring a house fire under control.



2. Dire 嚴重的


Think carefully before making the decision. It will have dire consequences for the whole company.



3. Desperate 極嚴重的


Being lost in a forest at night is a desperate situation. There is no light, no food, and no device to tell the direction.



4. Grievous 極嚴重的


The influential musician’s death is a grievous loss to the whole music industry.



5. Pressing 迫切嚴重的


Providing more affordable housing, a pressing need for people in Hong Kong, is unlikely to happen.



6. Disastrous 災難性的


The flood has brought a disastrous impact on the crops, livestock, and other properties.



7. Beyond remedy 無可救藥的


It’s too late to discover the problem and it has been beyond remedy.
