無論係 DSE 英文邊一份卷,problem/difficulty 呢兩個字一直係考題上嘅常客,尤其 paper2 可能十篇文有八篇都會提及到。要喺眾多考生中突圍而出,不妨學一啲比較進階嘅詞彙啦!


1. Predicament 困境


Some organizations actively respond to the campaign by helping the disadvantaged groups out of their financial predicament.



2. Imbroglio 困境


Although life is full of trouble, we should learn to stay positive when facing imbroglio.



3. Hardship 困難


In times of economic hardship, many companies would choose to announce layoffs.



4. Hiccup 小問題


There is a slight hiccup in the communication with the other party, but everything is okay now.



5. Hitch 小問題


The website was temporarily offline for 30 minutes due to a technical hitch.

由於技術出現小故障,該網站暫時下線了 30 分鐘。


6. Complication 麻煩事


I will be off duty tomorrow. However, if any complications arise, please let me know by email.
