IELTS Writing其實都要寫到比較學術嘅文章,同平日email或者message真喺有好大分別,又唔似speaking咁比較短就完一個題目,學術文嘅結構好重要,成篇文嘅脈絡都要清晰,驚自己寫得唔夠學術?咁不如一齊睇下3個要比多啲心力去注意嘅地方啦!


1. 要寫得夠客觀


(X) I want to share the importance of receiving university education.



(O) This essay will analyze the importance of tertiary education.



2. 要寫得夠formal


(X) 用emotive words : scary 可怕 / happy 開心

(X) 用太空泛的字 : good 好 / thing 東西

(X) 用縮寫 (contraction) : can’t 不可以 / didn’t 沒有


3. 結構/立場清晰


(O) 總分結構 : This essay will examine the relationship between parents and their children and how it is affecting the future of children from three different perspectives.



(O) 立場清晰 : To conclude, the limit of retirement age should be changed due to longer life expectancy.




記得做好以上嘅3大點,IELTS嘅Academic writing就難你唔到啦!