英文名詞可以分為兩大類—可數名詞、不可數名詞,有啲字看似不可數,例如 power,其實都可以變成可數名詞㗎!你又知唔知 power 用作可數名詞時嘅意思呢?

1. Respect

Respect [U] 尊重

Mutual respect in the workplace helps improve communication between colleagues.


Respect [C] 方面

In most respects, the cover version of this song is better than the original.


2. Exercise

Exercise [U] 行使

The exercise of patience helps us stay calm and reduces negative emotions.


Exercise [C] 練習

To prepare for the DSE English exam, he does lots of grammar exercises every day.

為了準備 DSE 英文科考試,他每天都會做大量的語法練習。

3. Art

Art [U] 藝術

His interest in art was stimulated when he joined a drawing class at the age of six.


Art [C] 技巧

Flipping food in a pan like a chef is quite an art.


4. Motivation

Motivation [U] 積極性

The students lack motivation when being asked to join the school social clubs.


Motivation [C] 誘因

One of the motivations of becoming a social worker is to relieve people’s suffering.


5. Power

Power [U] 力量

‘Knowledge is power’ is a famous quote by Francis Bacon.


Power [C] 強國

Speaking of a military power, the country must maintain a strong combat capability ready to fight.
