當考試出現圖表嘅題目,好多時會見到 explain 呢個字出現喺 reading passage 入面。唔單止 explain,以下7個英文詞語都有相關意思㗎!

1. Elucidate

Scientists have endeavoured in recent years to elucidate why the weather is getting more and more extreme.


2. Expound

In the following, I would expound my views on the environmental and economic aspects.


3. Explicate

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory explicated by Abraham Maslow, studies an individual’s behaviour motivation.


4. Unfold

I intend to unfold my proposal to the clients, so I have organized a business lunch with them.


5. Throw light on

The research aims to throw light on deforestation, it proves that not buying products containing palm oil can reduce the issue.


6. Illustrate

The diagrams and charts are used to illustrate my point.


7. Illuminate

He illuminates the incomprehensible theory in a way that is clear and easier to understand.
