船Boat呢隻字相信大家都唔陌生,但有關船嘅Idioms你又識幾多? Burn your boats唔通係燒左你架船?今日我哋準備咗有關唔同船嘅Idioms,一齊黎學下啦!


1. be in the same boat 處境相同


It’s hard to choose between lover and family. I know how exactly you feel as I am in the same boat too.



2. float one’s boat 是某人喜歡(或感興趣)的東西


It’s never easy to say goodbye, but I really hope that the next job will float your boat.



3. burn one’s boats 做事不留退路/破釜沈舟


Quitting your job is like burning your boats. So, you should have an in-depth plan before resigning and opening to your own company.



4. rock the boat 惹麻煩


Remember to stay calm and never rock the boat when you are travelling to another city.



5. when one’s ship comes in 當某人變得富有或成功


When my ship comes in, I promise to buy you everything you ever wanted.
