相信各位IELTS考生都知道Writing Task 1 最主要嘅任務就係形容趨勢,聼落好似好簡單,做落卻唔係同一回事。好多人都唔太清楚究竟呢個部分要從何入手。今日,Wall Street English就教大家5個形容趨勢嘅切入方法,等大家見到唔同嘅圖表嘅時候唔會再躊躇萬分,而係信心十足,揮筆疾書!


1. Superlative 最高



  • The product with the greatest growth was computers, going against the overall trend.
  • 增長最大的產品是電腦,逆勢而上。
  • A comparison of all types of interests in the six cities shows that the proportion of spending on clothing was the most popular opinion, larger than the expenditure on the remaining two activities combined.
  • 對六市各類興趣的比較表明,服裝支出佔比最為顯著,大於其餘兩項活動支出的總和。


2. Exceptions 例外



  • According to the graph, the interest rate in the US increased almost every year, other than during 2002-2003 and 2008-2009.
  • 根據圖表,美國的利率幾乎每年都在增加,除了 2002-2003 年和 2008-2009 年期間。
  • The figures increased steadily each year, with an exception between 2004 and 2005, which was the only year that experienced a decline.
  • 這些數字每年都在穩步增長,除了 2004 年和 2005 年之間的例外,這是唯一經歷下降的一年。


3. Relationship between figures 數據中的關係



  • Twice as much energy was used in winter compared to the summertime.
  • 冬季使用的能源是夏季的兩倍。
  • In 2000, the figure for France tied with that for Germany.
  • 2000 年,法國的數字與德國的數字並列。


4. Rise and fall 升跌



  • The figure doubled between 1980 and 2000, before declining again thereafter.
  • 這個數字在 1980 年到 2000 年間翻了一番,之後又下降了。
  • Starting at 14% in 1980, it fell to 9% in 2012 before it rebounded to 50% 10 years later, in 2022.
  • 在 1980 年從 14% 開始,2012 年降至 9%,然後在 2022 年反彈至 50%。


5. Peak and bottom 高峰和低谷



  • The peak figure reached 100 million in sales in 2000.
  • 2000 年達到 1 億的峰值。
  • The number reached the highest point at 87% in 2012 and then fell to the bottom at 19% within a decade.
  • 這一數字在 2012 年達到最高水平,達到 87%,然後在十年內跌至 19% 的最低點。

