自我介紹係 面試 必定會遇到嘅題目,而你嘅答案亦係面試官對你嘅第一印象,往往成為決定面試成敗嘅關鍵。喺短短一分鐘嘅時間入面,要點樣出奇致勝,令面試官對你刮目相看呢?今次Wall Street English就教大家三招自我介紹公式,亦都會提供答案範例,令大家答出令面試官滿意嘅答案。 


1. Choose the right starting point  


  • I graduated with a degree in Marketing in 2020. With a great passion for Marketing, I’ve always wanted to work in this field as I think it has a lot of potential. I have worked hard in university and now I’m ready to apply my knowledge into practice.  
  • 我在 2020 年獲得了市場營銷學位。我對市場營銷充滿熱情,我一直想在這個領域工作,因為我認為它有很大的潛力。我在大學裡很努力,現在我準備將我的知識應用到實踐中。 


2. Highlight experiences and achievements  

面試官真正想知道的並不是有關於你的一切,而是你可以為公司帶來的價值,所以你過往的經歷和成就都是你的selling point。你的答案一定要非常specific,凸顯自己的特點以及長處,並扣聯到job description,令面試官覺得你就是公司需要的人才。 

  • Despite my limited real-life working experience, I’ve had a lot of exposure to the business environment. Having participated in several case competitions, I am known for bringing about innovative ideas and solving problems effectively.  
  • 儘管我的實際工作經驗有限,但我對商業環境有很多了解。我參加過多次商業個案競賽,以提出創新想法和有效解決問題而著稱。
  • Formerly in my Marketing Intern role, my success has stemmed from essential skills, including digital marketing and SEO experience. I have helped launch a social media campaign for the previous company I worked for, and it was a remarkable success.  
  • 在之前的營銷實習生工作中,我的成功源於基本技能,包括數字營銷和 SEO 經驗。我曾幫助我之前工作過的公司發起了一場社交媒體活動,並且取得了非凡的成功。 


3. Explain how you fit the role 

透過job description,你可以知道公司大概想找什麽樣的人,你便可以説一下自己的性格特點怎樣幫助你勝任你所面試的工作。 

  • I am a collaborative team player who is always searching for opportunities to contribute valuable insights. I work well in communicating effectively and precisely with my co-workers, supervisors, and customers. I am also very goal oriented. Being a motivated individual, I would work hard in facilitating the progress towards the goal.  
  • 我是一個善於協作的團隊成員,一直在尋找機會來貢獻自己的見解。我在與同事、上司和顧客進行有效和準確的溝通方面表現出色。我也很注重目標。作為一個積極進取的人,我會努力促進實現目標的進程。
  • Because of my dedication to my work, my willingness to go above standards, as well as my desire to learn new things, I believe I am the right candidate for this job.  
  • 由於我對工作的奉獻精神,超越標準的意志,以及對學習新事物的渴望,我相信我是這份工作的合適人選。 



I am XXX, a 22-year-old fresh graduate with a degree in Marketing. With a great passion for Marketing, I’ve always wanted to work in this field as I think it has a lot of potential. I have worked hard in university and now I’m ready to apply my knowledge into practice.  

Despite my limited real-life working experience, I’ve had a lot of exposure to the business environment. Having participated in several case competitions, I am known for bringing about innovative ideas and solving problems effectively. 

Formerly in my Marketing Intern role, my success has stemmed from essential skills, including digital marketing and SEO experience. I have helped launch a social media campaign for the previous company I worked for, and it was a remarkable success.  

Having studied the job description, I am confident that I have the skills and the qualifications needed to excel in the role. I am a collaborative team player who is always searching for opportunities to contribute valuable insights. I work well in communicating effectively and precisely with my co-workers, supervisors, and customers. I am also very goal oriented. Being a motivated individual, I would work hard in facilitating the progress towards the goal. Because of my dedication to my work, my willingness to go above standards, as well as my desire to learn new things, I believe I am the right candidate for this job. 




在之前的營銷實習生工作中,我的成功源於基本技能,包括數字營銷和 SEO 經驗。我曾幫助我之前工作過的公司發起了一場社交媒體活動,並且取得了非凡的成功。 



