唔想次次發言都係以 “I think that…” 做開頭?試試靈活運用以下嘅表達意見方法啦!

1. 萬用型

a. It seems to me that ….. (在我看來,…好像…)
b. As I see it, ……(在我看來…)
c. I believe that …… (我相信…)

2. 選擇型

a. I would prefer …… (我會比較喜歡…)
b. I would go for …… (我會選擇…)
c. I will probably …… (我很可能會…)

3. 不同意 / 意見不合型

唔同意人哋個 point 時,如果好直接咁講 ”This is a bad idea.”,有機會令考官覺得你態度唔夠 nice,不如華麗轉講:
a. I’m not sure if it’s the best idea. (我不太肯定這是最好的意見。)
b. I agree with you to a certain extent, but ……(我某程度上贊成你的意見,可是…)
c. I understand what you are saying, however …… (我明白你想表達甚麼,但是…)
d. Well, I’m afraid that I would have to disagree. (恐怕我不能同意)
e. Another option we may want to consider is …… (我們可以考慮的另一個選擇是)
f. I understand your point, but our focus needs to be on …… and not …… (我明白你的意思,但我們必須專注於…而不是….)

4. 拋波型

a. Have you got any comments on ……(你對於…有沒有意見?)
b. What are your views on ……? (你對於…有什麼看法?)
c. How do you feel about ……? (你對…怎麼看?)