Modal Verbs(情態動詞)係用嚟表達想法或者態度。
以下落嚟會用三個情景嚟示範 Modal Verbs(情態動詞)嘅應用方法!


男仔 A:打波先黎落雨⋯唔通連個天都唔鍾意我?
男仔 B:我地聽日再打過呀⋯聽日一定會好天嘅!
其實,如果男仔 B 答男仔 A 時靈活運用 modal verbs(情態動詞),係可以更清楚表達意思㗎!例如:
男仔 B 覺得聽日一定會好天:The weather must be fine tomorrow.
男仔 B 有90%肯定聽日會好天:The weather will be fine tomorrow.
男仔 B 幾肯定聽日會好天:The weather should be fine tomorrow.
男仔 B 覺得聽日有可能會好天:The weather may / might be fine tomorrow.
男仔 B 覺得聽日冇可能會好天:The weather can’t / won’t be fine tomorrow.


好客氣:Might I borrow your pen?
有禮貌,幾客氣: May I borrow your pen?
唔算太客氣,朋友之間適用 / 無需要太注重禮節時:Can I borrow your pen?


語重心長:You‘d better work harder.
普通建議 / 表示應該:You should work harder.
語氣較弱:You could study harder.

以後大家需要表達唔同語氣或唔同程度嘅意思時,就可以試吓運用唔同嘅  Modal Verbs(情態動詞)喇!