
其實好似明喻 (simile) 同暗喻 (metaphor) 嘅修辭手法唔淨只係詩詞入面先見到~好多歌詞都有運用呢類辭手法,為首歌增添色彩同深度。

首先,等我哋學識 simile (明喻) 同 metaphor (暗喻) 係咩嚟先~
簡單嚟講,simile (明喻) 同 metaphor (暗喻) 都係用嚟作出比較。
分別在於,simile 係明喻,會以 like 或 as 等字眼去直接比較主體同載體。
而 metaphor 就係暗喻,唔會運用 like 或 as 嘅字眼,而係會將事件/對象 A 描述為事物 B。

我哋亦可以咁樣理解:所有 simile 都係 metaphor,但唔係所有 metaphor 都係 simile。


以下落嚟呢三首歌都有 simile (明喻):

1. Speak Now – Taylor Swift

Simile: Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry.

Simile: A song that sounds like a death march.

Simile: She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen.

Taylor 覺得個女仔好似選美冠軍咁行路,唔太 like 佢咁誇張。

2. Like A Prayer – Madonna

Simile: Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there.

Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery.

Just like a dream, you are not what you seem.

Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there.

3. Roman’s Revenge – Nicki Minaj

Simile: I’m startin’ to feel like a dungeon dragon.


而呢幾首就有 metaphor (暗喻):

4. Titanium – David Guetta

Metaphor: I am titanium.

5. One Thing – One Direction

Metaphor: You’re my kryptonite.

6. As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber

Metaphor: I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold.

7. Human Nature – Michael Jackson

Metaphor: If this town is just an apple then let me take a bite.


下面呢幾首仲犀利~有齊 simile (明喻) 同 metaphor (暗喻)!

8. Firework – Katy Perry

Simile: Do you ever feel like a plastic bag.

Simile: Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

P.S. A house of cards 字面上嘅意思就係紙牌屋,咁淨係用紙牌塔嘅屋當然好易冧樓啦。
所以,a house of cards 係唔穩陣、經唔起考驗咁解。

Metaphor: Baby you’re a firework. Come on let your colours burst.


9. A Year Without Rain – Selena Gomez

Simile: Like I’ve been wandering the desert for a thousand days.

Simile: A day without you is like a year without rain.
嘩~Selena 呢度嘅意思係話,冇你嘅一日唔單止度日如年,直情係好似成年唔落雨咁!

Metaphor: My world is an empty place.


10. Love The Way You Lie – Eminem ft. Rihanna

Simile: Sound like broken records playing over.

Metaphor: I’m Superman with the wind at his back, she’s Lois Lane.

Metaphor: Life is no Nintendo game.
呢度話人生唔係 NDS 遊戲,唔係玩玩下。

