有時覺得用 ”at” 順口啲⋯有時又覺得係咪應該用 ”in”?但其實用 ”on”先啱??
快啲睇睇以下呢幾個 common mistakes!

1. At VS In

At 指一個特定的地點/ 方向
e.g. I’m waiting at the entrance

In 指在一個密封地方內 / 國家/ 地區 / 街道
e.g. I live in America.

2. Of VS About

Heard of : 表示只係聽聞過某事 / 某人
e.g. I have heard of the band Bee Gees.
我只係聽過Bee Gees呢個樂隊名,對佢哋無深入認識。

Heard about: 表示對某事 / 某人有一定程度上認識
e.g. I have heard about the band Bee Gees.
我唔單止聽過Bee Gees呢個樂隊名,仲認識佢哋嘅歌。

3. Among VS Between

Among: 常用於兩者以上
e.g. I am standing among these boys.

Between: 常用於兩者之間
e.g. I am standing between the two boys.

4. In VS On VS At

In: 年、月、季節、世紀、年代等等比較長時間
e.g. In the 20 century, in the 1980s, in July, in the winter, in the morning

On: 指定日期、指定節日
e.g. On Monday, On Monday Afternoon, On 15th September, On New Year’s Day

At: 指定時間
e.g. At 8am, at 10 o’ clock, at dinner time, at the moment

5. 記住唔好用錯!

✓ Cost about (1 dollar)

x Cost around (1 dollar)

✓ Just in time

x Just on time

✓ Ashamed of

x Ashamed for

✓ Different from

x Different than

✓ On the phone

x In the phone