用 Simile(明喻)和 Metaphor(暗喻)去描寫事物,即刻將句子變得生動又有趣!

Simile 明喻

Simile(明喻)以 like 或 as 等字眼直接比較主體同載體,句子結構通常為「as___as___」。
He has such a bad temper – and as unpredictable as a polar bear.(好似北極熊咁變幻莫測)
She is a very graceful lover – as light on her feet as a ballerina.(好似芭蕾舞演員咁步履輕盈)
It has gotten so cold here this month – it’s as cold as December in Siberia!(好似係西伯利亞嘅 12 月咁凍)

Metaphor 暗喻

Metaphor(暗喻)以另一種相似事物來描述一種事物;唔會運用 like 或 as 嘅字眼,而係會將事件/對象A描述為事物B。
Night owl(夜貓): someone who goes to bed very late
Early bird(早起身嘅人): someone who gets up early in the morning
I was so scared by the movie that I froze with fear.(嚇到呆咗)


如果想話一個人好似一隻豬咁懶,可以分別運用 Simile(明喻)和 Metaphor(暗喻)嚟講:
Simile(明喻)- He is as lazy as a pig
Metaphor(暗喻)- He is a pig
P.S. 除咗用豬 (pig) 嚟形容一個人懶惰,樹懶 (sloth) 同蟾蜍 (toad) 亦係懶嘅「代表」!

As sly as a fox(好似狐狸咁狡猾)
As loyal as a dove(好似鴿子咁忠實)
As free as a bird(好似雀仔咁自由)
As proud as a peacock(好似孔雀咁驕傲)
以上嘅句式都係「as___as___」,即係運用咗 Simile(明喻)。
但同樣嘅動物比喻,運用 Metaphor(暗喻)都一樣得!只要唔用 like 或 as 嘅字眼,直接將事件/對象描述為動物就可以啦!