A先生: “How are you?”
B 小姐: “Fine, Thank you!”

以上對答其實可以變得更豐富!除左答 ”Fine, Thank You” 仲可以答:
Very Well, Thanks!
I’m good, Thanks!

Great! How are you doing?

I’ve been better.
I’m hanging in there.


A. 直接約
Hey Rachel, I am thinking of grabbing a coffee on Saturday. Would you like to join me?

B. 驚俾人拒絕:
Hey Rachel, I am thinking of grabbing a coffee on Saturday. I’m not sure if you are interested or free, but I heard the coffee at this coffee shop is really good.

C. 俾人拒絕都潚灑地回
No worries! We can always go another time.