
1. 自我介紹-10個必勝形容詞


  1. Goal oriented 目標導向
  2. Confident 有信心
  3. Determined 意志堅定
  4. Reliable 可靠的
  5. Friendly 友善
  6. Punctual 守時
  7. Innovative 創新
  8. Ambitious 有抱負
  9. Hard-working 勤奮
  10. Optimistic 樂觀

例子:I am an innovative Marketing Executive with 2 years of experience managing campaigns on different social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and online forums.
我是一個有創意的市場主任,擁有2年經驗管理不同的社交媒體,包括 Facebook、Instagram 和網上討論區。


2. What are your strengths? 你有咩長處?

I am confident in dealing with the challenges ahead and I work well under pressure. I can handle deadlines without having to work overtime. I believe my proficiency in Mandarin will enable me to handle visitors from Mainland China and Taiwan. I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. I once dealt with a difficult client and solved the problem promptly.

3. What are your career goals? 你嘅事業目標係咩?

In 2 years’ time, my goal is to have completed a MBA and to have reached the position of sales manager in a company such as yours. I am currently studying English at Wall Street English. I have been attending seminars, what are held by the Society of Chartered Accountants, and have been updating my accountancy skills, in accordance with changes in my field.

4. Why are you here?

其實對方真正想知道嘅係你應徵原因,另一個直接問法係 “Why do you want to work for us?” (你為甚麼想在我們公司工作?)。你可以藉此解釋一下你的學歷、工作目標和價值係幾咁配合公司目標、理念等等。
I have heard a lot of good things about your company. It seems like a dynamic, vibrant and fun place to work. Teaching is my passion, but I feel this environment is particularly suitable for me because of the small class sizes and the way the students learn. I think I will really enjoy working here.


5. Do you have any questions for us? 你有無問題想問我哋?

如果你簡單回答 “No” 就錯過左表現自己嘅機會!

  1. I know ________(your job responsibility, e.g. teaching adults) can be challenging. What are some of the difficulties that the ______ (job position, e.g. teacher) here face every day?
    我知道 ________(職責,例如:教授大人)會有一定嘅挑戰。現時 ______ (職函,例如:老師)主要面對甚麼挑戰?
  2. If I were to get an offer, what could I do to prepare for this job before I start?