2-min English 兩分鐘英語 


Hi there, and welcome to Wall Street’s “Two-Minute English”.


When you meet someone for the first time, what do you say? Always take the initiative to introduce yourself first: “Hello, my name is Ben. What’s your name?” After the person responds, shake hands with that person. Grab his or her hand and shake firmly and boldly to show you are confident and sincere. People who shake hands firmly with me always leave a better impression than people who shake flimsily. After shaking hands, it’s polite to say: “Nice to meet you.” Or “Pleased to meet you.” If you have to make small talk, ask questions to show interest, such as asking about where the person lives, what he or she does, why that person is here, what that person thinks about something, and so on.


At the end of a meeting or event, it’s good to say bye to the people you have just met. I’d always say something like: “Nice meeting you Chris. Hope to see you around.” Or “Great talking with you. Have a good evening.” You could always say this to guests who attend something you organise: “Thanks so much for taking the time to come here today. I really appreciate it.” Everyone loves being appreciated so don’t hold back on saying positive words to people.


There are times when you would bump into people unexpectedly, whether it’s on the streets, at a party, in a restaurant or shopping mall, and so on. I was watching a concert the other day and I bumped into an old colleague of mine who I used to work with over 15 years ago. I said: “Hey Vicky! Wow, it’s been a while. How are you doing? I can’t believe you are here at this concert too.” Other times, it may be someone who you see often but you just happened to bump into them: “Hey Nic! What brings you here? What a pleasant surprise.” Or “Hey Josh! How are you doing? What’s the chance of bumping into you here of all places?” Or “Mary! What are you up to? What a surprise seeing you here.”


Well, that’s all for this week’s “Two-Minute English”. Bye-bye.