IELTS 嘅會話測試(Speaking)分為 3 部份,分別圍繞你嘅個人生活;某個特定主題同較為抽象嘅議題。


1. To start things off 從(這裡)開始說起

e.g. To start things off, I am currently a student attending a secondary school in Kowloon.


2. To start, I’d like to talk about 首先,我想談談

e.g. To start, I’d like to talk about the pollution issue in Hong Kong.


3. I will start by talking about 我會先談⋯以作開始

e.g. I will start by talking about learning a new language.



以下 3 句比較適合係第一部份講述自己嘅家庭,工作,學習或興趣時運用。


4. Of all the things I did, (something) stood out to me the most. 在我做過的所有事情之中,(某事物)令我最深刻。

e.g. Of all the things I did over the summer, learning how to play the violin stood out to me the most.


5. I take pride in 我以(某事)為驕傲

e.g. I take pride in my singing talent.


6. I have always wanted to learn more about 我一直想學習/了解更多有關

e.g. I have always wanted to learn more about Japanese culture.


7. I have been…for the past (number of) year/ months 在過去的(數)年/月

e.g. I have been learning Taekwondo for the past five years.
在過去的 5 年,我一直在學習跆拳道。