求職時收到offer當然非常開心,但亦要注意寫返封 Offer Acceptance Letter(接受聘用通知)!

例如你收到公司嘅聘用電郵或電話口頭 offer,你之後都可以傳送封 Offer Acceptance Letter 俾負責嘅員工去確認返。



1. 開場白

I am very pleased to accept the position of Marketing Manager with ABC Company.
我很高興接受 ABC 公司的市場部經理職位。

It is with great pleasure that I am accepting this job offer.

It was certainly wonderful news when you called this morning to offer me the position as Marketing Manager for ABC Company. Please consider this letter my formal acceptance. 
今早收到你們 ABC 公司市場部經理的聘用通知,對我來說是非常好的消息。請以這封信作為我的正式接受聘用通知。

It is with great pleasure that I accept your offer to join ABC Company as a Marketing Manager.
我非常高興地接受市場部經理的職位,並加入 ABC 公司。

I accept with pleasure the position of Marketing Manager at your company.


2. 確認人工/福利

I understand that my monthly salary will begin at $20,000.
我理解我的月薪將以 $20,000 作開始。

I understand that my starting salary will be $20,000 and that medical benefits will commence after 30 days of employment.
我理解我的起薪為 $20,000,而醫療福利將在就業 30 天後開始。

As we discussed over the phone earlier today, my initial salary will be $20,000 along with the other benefits you mentioned.
正如我們今日較早前的電話討論,我最初的月薪將是 $20,000,附帶你提到的其他福利。



3. 確認返工日期

I look forward to starting employment on September 1 2016 and thanking you in person when we meet in your office that day.
我期待著於 2016 年 9 月 1 日開始上班,並於辦公室見面時親自向你道謝。

I look forward to starting work on 1st September 2016 and meeting my new colleagues.
我期待著於 2016 年 9 月 1 日開始上班,並與新同事相見。

I understand that I will report to work on September 1 2016. In the meantime, feel free to call me at 9876 5432.
我理解我將於 2016 年 9 月 1 日報到,在此期間請隨時給我打電話 598765432。


4. 結尾

I look forward to contributing to the company’s efforts.

I consider it a privilege to join your company.

If you require any additional information from me, please let me know.

Thank you again for offering me this wonderful opportunity.