搵工時如果同時收到幾個 offer,少不免要開口拒絕,但有時候又難以啟齒⋯

跟住以下寫 Offer Rejection Letter 嘅三部曲,就可以「華麗轉身」,拒絕得恰當又得體!


1. 開場白+感謝

I certainly appreciate your kind offer of employment as a Marketing Manager in ABC Company.
非常感激你提出聘用我為 ABC 公司的市場部經理。

Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work at ABC Company as a Marketing Manager.
非常感激你給我機會在 ABC 公司以市場部經理的身份工作。



2. 拒絕

Unfortunately, I will not be accepting the position as I have accepted a position with another company.

However, I regret that I cannot accept your offer, as I promised to join another company before your offer came to me.


3. 結尾+再次表達感謝

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.

Once again, please allow me to express my gratitude for the offer and my regrets for declining it.