DSE應試策略:戰勝Paper 2之6形容「解決問題」的字詞

DSE考生考英文Paper 2寫作大忌就係用字唔夠多樣化又唔夠精準。你係唔係都有相同問題呢?好,考考你,當你要寫「解決問題」嘅英文,除咗用”solve the problem”之外,係一分鐘內仲諗到幾多個同義嘅代替字詞?


  • Put an end to 遏止

We should put an end to caging of wildlife and set them free.


  • Get rid of 擺脫

We can get rid of the increasing number of NEETs by offering training for them to regain confidence in contributing to the society.


  • Do away with 除去

It can be a great idea for graduates to do away with the lack of job opportunities in Hong Kong by targeting the other cities in Asia.


  • Deal with 著手解決

To deal with the lack of sports facilities, the community can think about rebuilding the leisure area rather than using school’s facilities because of the safety consideration.


  • Tackle with 對付/處理

If the government wants to preserve Hong Kong’s food culture, it should firstly tackle with problem that the number of chefs who makes traditional egg tarts is decreasing.


  • Eliminate 消除

How can we eliminate our fear? The only answer is to face it till you are fearless about that.

